Why men leave you

Why men leave you…

It’s not what you think.

It’s not because you said the wrong thing.

It’s not because you are too much.

It’s not because everything is wrong with them & nothing is wrong with you.

They leave you to create space for your next evolution.

Bring compassion, love, & kindness to what you’re going through right now in dating.

If the stories are strong, like “men always leave me.”

Either continue to repeat the same patterns of the past, or choose into healing that story.

That story is really all your brain, body, heart, & nervous systems know.

It all makes sense.

Choose healing.

Healing creates new experiences.

Healing creates new neuropathways.

Healing creates space in your heart.

Healing creates safety in your nervous system.

Wouldn’t it be nice to really & truly let them go - emotionally, physically, & energetically - if that’s what they want to do?

That’s what healing provides.

You are here to evolve.

I support you deeply.

In big love,


P.S. Take the Feminine Dating Archetype Quiz to reveal your blocks to love & find your true love match.


Why you’re unable to fully open your heart to another human being


The problem with “Stop Emasculating Men”