Why I was bad at relationships

“I’m bad at relationships” is the story I used to tell myself.

I always felt missed.



And, ultimately, unloved.

That story was one that helped me make sense of FWB situations that always left me disappointed.

It was a story that I told myself when I closed my heart off for years to keep the pain away.

It was a story that had me feeling like a failure when I couldn’t seem to get it right.

Being bad at relationships was everyone else’s fault but mine.

It was hard.

I lost friends.

I moved from job to job.

I ran from city to city chasing happiness.

Love, relationships, & dating - especially if we want epic, magnetic love - is not something that we were taught.

It’s not YOU that’s bad at relationships, my love.

It’s just a part of you that still feels like she’s young…. in the dating world.

Not being able to know what she wants.

Trying to please.

Trying to be pleasant.

That young part of you doesn’t have the skills to call in epic, magnetic love because she’s young.

She’s been doing that job for you for a long time & it’s time to release her of that burden.

With my help, we can start to make sense of what’s going on with you on the inside so you can be the magnet on the outside for the epic, magnetic, extraordinary love that you so deserve.

(Scroll right for the man who saw me as a magnet - for who I am at my core.)

If being “good at relationships” was a skill that you could learn & embody, would you be open to learning?

I gotchu.

In big love,


P.S. Take the Feminine Dating Archetype Quiz to reveal your blocks to love & find your true love match.

P.P.S. I am opening a 5-month program that will help you call in epic love. If you are ready to be good at relationships, DM on IG to get on the first to know waitlist.


You don’t know it all even though you think you do


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